Legal fees

In compliance with the Professional Rules of the Parisian Bar, fees “are determined according to usages, the financial capacities of the client, the difficulty of the matter, the costs incurred by the Lawyer, of his notoriety and his diligences. The Lawyer in charge of a matter may request payment of fees to his client even if the latter discharges him from the mandate, but only with the limit of work effectively carried out.

In particular, the payment of lawyers’ fees depends on the following elements following usage:

  • Time spent on the matter
  • Research carried out
  • The nature and the difficulty of the matter
  • The importance of the interests at stake
  • The incidence of the costs and expenditures of his firm
  • His notoriety, titles, seniority, experience and specialization,
  • The advantages and results obtained for the client thanks to the work achieved as well as services rendered,
  • The financial capacities of the client”.


Since the entry into force of the law n° 2015-990 from August 6th 2015 for growth, activity and equality of economic opportunities” (law “Macron”), a Lawyer is legally bound to establish a written fee arrangement which indicates, particularly, the amount or means of determination of the fees covering the anticipated services to be rendered, as well as costs and expenditures to be made.

Thus, our fees are determined in full agreement with each client, with transparency and predictability.

We usually work on an hourly basis with an hourly rate or on the basis of a fixed fee for the proceedings or a specific matter, generally completed in legal claims by a contingency fee based on the sums effectively and definitely recovered.

We also offer monthly subscriptions allowing legal departments of major groups to consult us on a daily basis regarding all aspects of law.

« As nothing is nobler than the profession of a Lawyer, nothing is more legitimate than the advantage he attains from his achievement.
As such, when referring to the original sources, we find that the services provided by a lawyer were, in the beginning, free of charge.
Nevertheless, this perfect pecuniary disinterest ceased to last, and this ancient model is no longer fit to guide the usage of present times… »