27 Oct Speech by Sigrid PREISSL at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Paris
Sigrid PREISSL intervened as a speaker on October 27, 2020 as part of a webinar organized in German by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Paris.
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Paris, the Commercial Section of the Austrian Embassy in Paris, is responsible for promoting bilateral economic relations between Austrian and French companies.
Sigrid PREISSL’s intervention, in German and intended for an audience of Austrian professionals, focused on the posting of employees in the transport sector and the minimum wages resulting from the French regulatory texts to be applied in this context.
In view of the news, a focus was placed on the “Mobility Package” adopted at European level by Regulation 2020/1057 of July 15, 2020.
A summary sheet of her speech, written in German, with useful links to sources in German, can be consulted here.
More information on the services offered by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA are available here.